8.The God Who Find Us

By Ronnie Martin

☆There are few stories in the Bible more heartbreking than the story of Adam and Eve.

☆Running caused Adam and Eve to invent ways to cover their own sin, which for them was breaking out the thread and needle and getting drerred as soon as posible.

☆Our sin always caused us to have to DO something when we move in any direction other than God, which by the way, is exhausting and fruitless.

☆Adam and Eve experienced no rest as they started multitasking their way toward covering their indiscretion.

☆We enter into doubt and despair because at some we belive a lie instead ot the truth. At some point we believe that God´s goodness wasn´t so good and that His greatness wasn´t so grand.

☆Somehow, in the shallowness of our minds, we believed that we´re the ones who should have control over destiny of our lives.

☆In fact, we can see God mold and shape our hearts in more profound ways when they´re hurting than they´re not.

☆When God calls us to do a faithful work for Him, He also provides the results. We act, but only the Holy Spirit can active.

☆He handles the activation. It means that we can take rather large anvil off our shoulders knowing that every move we make, every emotion we feel, every defeat we experience, every doubt we harbor, and every disappointment we carry is all under the sovereign control of God. All of it.

☆Her´s a stork yet beautifully liberating reality: We don´t control anything. We never have, we never will. Because God is sovereign. He has perfect control over all things. No boundaries, no limitations. All-knowing, all-loving. Theres is no place in this universe where His presence does not exist. There is nothing that can happen in this entire universe without His knowledge and consent.

☆So breathe a sigh of relief. He has this thing. He´s our only hope from losing hope.

☆When we as believers struggle to belive, it´s not that we´re misplaced hope, it´s that we misplaced God, who is our hope.

☆He consumes the darkness with His light! He illuminates those areas in our lives so that we are not hidden under darkness any longer but "hidden with Christ in God"(Colossians 3:3). He wouldn´t be God if He did anything less.

☆He will show us mercy in the dark solitude of our storms and become the great refuge for our sorrowful souls when we repent of our  self -sufficiency and return to the shadow of His wings.

Leer: 7. My Father´s Son


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