7. My Father´s Son


"Praying Through Unbelief  by Ted Kluck

✔I think it´s an ocassion to question our own tendency toward hero-worship. If we say that we worship the Author and Perfector of our faith, why then do we have an almost insatiable and semi-embarrassing drive to create heroes in other walks of life?

✔I was listening to an old Tim Keller sermon recently that suggests that the quality of our sleep can sometimes be a barometer of how well we´re trusting God. Sleep is a gift from God. And David wakes up determined, in the Lord, to not fear the tens of thousands who assail him. W can pray, and sleep, with the same confidence.

✔When we doubt, we´re left with two opinions -curse God and die, or continue to pray, hope, and believe through our doubt. 

✔Repentance is the only way to true joy becasuse it´s such a fundamental part of the Gospel. "Repentance", wrote Puritan Thomas Brooks, "is the vomit of the soul." John Piper writes in Future Grace, "But if you would turn from self as the source of satisfaction (=repentance), and come to Jesus for enjoyment of all that God is for us in him (=faith), then the itch (for human glory) would be replaced by a well of water springing up to eternal life."

✔Repentance, and receiving grace, has allowed me to give grace in abundance. We give grace out of gratitude, and we live our lives in a passionate pursuit of Christ because of what He did for us, the worst of sinners.

Leer: 6. Blue Monday


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